martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012


Did you know that Pompeii was an ancient Roman city buried by a volcanic eruption?

2000 years later, archaeologists uncovered the city near Mount Vesuvius in Italy.  The people in ancient Pompeii did not have a chance to escape. The city had been quickly buried by volcanic ash. 
When archaeologists dug out the city, two thousand years later, they found petrified bread still in the ovens that had been baking that day. Archaeologists learned a great deal from the ruins of this ancient city because it had been so well preserved. 


Click on the picture and learn about volcanoes.

Who is Tilly Smith

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Science                            year 5 students

We have already started a new block. We will study the climate, geography, flora and fauna of Spain.
In order to review, reinforce and extend the contents here I leave you some links. Enjoy them!

Ya hemos empezado un nuevo bloque de contenidos. Estudiaremos el clima, la geografía, la flora y la fauna de España. Para revisar, reforzar y extender los contenidos aquí os dejo algunos links. Disfrutadlos!

Diferentes actividades y juegos en castellano sobre la geografía española.

English activities about the climate and the climate change. There are different sites to go. The most interesting site is the site games.
Actividades en ingles sobre el clima y el cambio climático. Hay diferentes sitios para ir. El mas interesantes es el sitio de games.

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